The Big Ride Part 3 - Iran, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan 2011

The Big Ride Part Two (Pakistan & Iran)

The Big Ride Part One (India & Nepal)

Interview with Prince Mahir Ullah, Pakistani journalist and humanitarian worker

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We have been out of touch...

It is great to finally update our site with our latest video and let you know what's been happening.  We have been out of touch due to the Internet blockages in Iran, making it impossible to access certain bank accounts, FB (of course), even Blogger.  These incomprehensible differences between countries is a great reminder that even though we are all human beings of the same earth we are in fact world's apart.  This became even more apparent as we journeyed deeper into ancient Persia.

Being a woman, the daily frustration of the essential need to keep myself well covered was intolerable.  The Iranian Desert heat is no ideal environment to be covered from head to toe, what can I say, I am Aussie gal who is use to having fun in the sun.  Additionally, my right to speak freely and be treated as an equal is something I will never again take for granted.  It is rare for an Islamic man to shake the hand of a woman or even touch in gesture any other than his wife, and general conversations are very male dominated with a woman standing quietly on the side lines.  My initial need to have my say was soon diminished as downward glances put me in my place, allowing Aj to take his manly role.

As I look back on my time in this ancient land be assured that these irritations seem somewhat minimal when I evaluate the magnificence of this beautiful culture as a whole.  Our frequent, lengthy rides through the desolate Iranian desert allowed our imaginations to escape to a magical time when the exotic and extravagant ruled the sand. 

The breathtaking cities of Yazd, Shiraz and Isfahan filled with secret passageways, bazaars overflowing with gold, underground tea houses and the scent of sheesha seem to take you deeper into ancient Persia, the daily call to pray being a serenading hypnosis.
I have now left Aj while he takes an extremely aggressive loop through Central Asia following the old Silk Road route till returning to Tehran, Iran where we shall once again be reunited and continue our journey into Armenia, Georgia, Turkey and Europe.  Please watch our latest video that I had great trouble uploading, The Big Ride Part Two (Pakistan and Iran), just above.

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